Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Chapter 12 & 13


Untitled Film Still #7
Cindy Sherman

This photo is an example of staged photography, an act or pose in front of the camera. The artist manipulates the model's position for the take or takes a shot during the performance. I believe Cindy prefers staged photography due to she worked as her own model for years and assumed multiple roles for the work such as wardrobe, makeup artist, and hairdresser. I feel the qualities of this photograph are the black and white print that create a dramatic effect along with the drama of the re enactment itself.
Behind the Gare Saint-Lazare, Paris 
Henri Cartier-Bresson

According to the artist, [decisive movement is] "the simultaneous recognition in a fraction of a second of the significance of an event, as well as the precise organization of forms that give that event its proper expression" He initially was a painter but changed his interest to photos when he saw a picture of black kids running in a wave. It fascinated him knowing that could be captured. This inspired him to take his camera to the streets.

Aaron & Nathan
Jerry N. Uelsmann

This photo is an example of photo manipulation due to the artist applied various editing techniques to create a unique illusion for effect. Uelsmann photographs with the vision of the negatives by isolating them and then combining them with additional negatives in the dark room. All of this well before the technology of Photoshop makes him a one of a kind.


Untitled from the portfolio Deep Sky
James Turrell

James Turrell's piece is an example of light sculpture due to the light is used to enhance the object that was created. Turrell's interests involve exploring the architecture of space that is created by light. His work is unique due to he plays with light to create a new perspective in the use of unusual spaces.

Myth of the Western Man
Robert Arneson

This work is an example of molding. Robert Arneson preferred creating ironic molds. He believed that ceramic artists should only produce decorative items and began creating non functional clay moldings. He primarily used his own image for his work to express a frustration with the human condition. I believe his work is unique due its almost pun like and he always stayed true to himself.

Mirror-Shadow VIII
Louise Nevelson

This piece is an example of assemblage due to its a collection of items placed together which creates a three dimensional view. The work makes the viewer more aware of the shadows to create that ambiance. Active with the women's movement, Louise's aim was to reinvigorate found items to create her artwork. Her large scale works complicated stereotypes and expressed emotion. Her work was unique due to it encouraged female artists to walk a path of self discovery.

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